PSAC BC Regional Newsletter for April 2018
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News and Political Action
PSAC in the news
- Government moves forward in talks with union over Phoenix settlement - Robyn Benson is quoted at
- The federal government will have to conduct a review of all employees’ pay records to ensure they are accurate once the troubled Phoenix pay system is finally fixed, say federal officials - more on Phoenix at
- More than two-thirds of public servants surveyed recently said they've been personally affected by the Phoenix pay system, and aren't satisfied with the support they're getting to correct their problems - full story at
- Four years of contract negotiations may have ended over the Easter weekend for some 8000 employees of the Canadian Border Services Agency, including 200 in northern B.C. - JP Fortin, CIU National President, spoke to the Prince George Citizen about the FB tentative agreement.
PSAC BC and the Make Every Voter Count campaign
- Both regionally and nationally, PSAC believes that a proportional voting system will be good for our members – and all Canadians – as it will result in more fairness and democracy when we elect our governments. PSAC BC endorses and supports the Make Every Voter Count campaign to bring proportional representation to British Columbia. Read the message from REVP Jamey Mills.

Donate today! Young workers launch food bank gift card challenge
- PSAC, and the other unions representing federal public service workers, are negotiating damages with the government for the undue stress and hardships caused by the Phoenix pay system. More at the national website.
- Now that tax filing season is in full swing, PSAC wants to remind its members in the federal public service about some important information regarding Phoenix-related tax implications. Read more here.
Tools for Stewards and Local Activists
Bargaining Updates
- Canada Border Services Agency (FB): A after four years of talks, two court challenges, a charter challenge, several unfair labour practice charges, the mobilization of thousands of members, two media campaigns and over a full week of non-stop negotiations, the FB bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with the Treasury Board and CBSA. Details at the national website. Watch for updates on the ratification process.
- Parks Canada: The Parks Canada ratification process is underway. PSAC is holding in-person and on-line webinar meetings for Parks members in B.C. More information here.
- Statistical Survey Operations: The team is meeting with the employer April 17 to 19. Watch for an update.
- Canada Revenue Agency: The wage dispute between the CRA and the PSAC-UTE has finally been put to an end following a binding Conciliation Board decision reached March 14. Details at the national website.
- Treasury Board (PA, TC, SV & EB): PSAC hosted its Treasury Board National Bargaining Conference last week. Delegates discussed and prioritized bargaining demands and elected their respective bargaining team members. Read more here and we'll keep you up to date as the process unfolds.
- IMP Group, Comox: The team met with the arbitrator last week, here's an update. Contact your Local Executive for more information and to find out how you can support the team.
- First Nations Health Authority: The next meeting with the employer is scheduled for July. Email the team to sign up for updates.
- North Peace Airport - Meetings with the employer are expected to begin soon. Contact your Local Executive for more information.
- Purolator - Bargaining was held in Vancouver March 22 and 23. PSAC and Purolator exchanged proposals and held preliminary discussions. Here's the update.
- Prince Rupert Airport - The first set of bargaining dates are scheduled for next week. Contact your Local Executive for more information and we'll keep you up to date.
- NAV CANADA - The next round of bargaining is scheduled for early May, we'll keep you up to date.
Union Education
Save the dates! We are pleased to announce that three advanced/province-wide courses will be offered in BC in the fall of 2018 - details and dates at the regional website. The full course descriptions including pre-requisites and applications will be posted in the late spring.
Grievance Handling | Apr 21-22 | Vancouver
Steward Series II | May 26-27 | Vancouver
Southern Interior
Grievance Handling | Apr 21-22 | Kamloops
Duty to Accommodate | Jun 2-3 | Kelowna
Meetings and Events

PSAC activists from across BC are gathering in Vancouver for a one-day meeting on April 7. Join us at a lunch time event to deliver a message for Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, to take back to Ottawa: The government must take every step necessary to pay federal public service workers correctly and on-time, every time, and make amends for the hardships caused by Phoenix. Details here or at the Facebook event page.

Join the Vancouver Regional Women's Committee, May 9, for an evening out ... "Celebrating Women" - RSVP and details.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
Prince George Regional Women's Committee | April 9
Okanagan Area Council | April 14
Okanagan Regional Women's Committee | April 14
West Fraser Valley Area Council | April 16
Vancouver Area Council | April 18
Victoria Area Council | April 18
Mainland & Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee | April 25
"Celebrating Women" event | May 9
What are all these committees? Visit the website for more information about PSAC BC's Area Councils, Human Rights, Regional Women's, and Young Worker's Committees. More information about these meetings at the calendar.
Thanks for reading, <<First Name>>!
Patrick Bragg
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office
604 430 5631 | 1 800 663 1655 | |