PSAC BC Regional Newsletter for December 2018
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News and Political Action
PSAC in the news
- The country’s largest public service union wants the federal government to compensate its members for the pain and suffering inflicted by the Phoenix pay fiasco. Read more at the Ottawa Citizen.
- Members in the National Capitol Region rallied in support of their bargaining teams, Nov 27. Report and video from CTV News.
- The federal government has paid out $11.3 million in overtime over the past three years to public servants tasked with taming the monster that is the Phoenix pay system, according to a new document tabled in the House of Commons. More at the National Post.

PSAC Calendars
- It's that time of year again! The 2019 PSAC calendars have arrived in the Regional Offices - contact your Local Executive or your PSAC Regional Office if you would like some for your worksite.
PSAC secures reversal of Harper-era legal changes affecting collective bargaining, sick leave
- Following a long campaign by PSAC, Bill C-62—An Act to amend the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act and other Acts—received Royal Assent on November 26, 2018.
- The new law reverses several Harper-era changes to federal collective bargaining legislation, which limited the right of public service workers to strike and gave the government the right to unilaterally remove or change sick leave provisions negotiated into collective agreements at any time. Read more at
December 6th, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Benefits for members: mobile phone plans
- PSAC BC has partnered with Baka Communications to provide a limited time special offer for PSAC members on talk, text and data plans from Bell. More information in the poster here or at Help us let members know: print a copy of the poster for your workplace bulletin board!

November in photos

Bargaining Updates
- Statistical Survey Operations: We are headed for arbitration and will keep you up to date as the process moves forward.
- Canada Revenue Agency: The bargaining team is at the table with CRA this week. Watch for an update.
- Treasury Board (PA, TC, SV & EB): The common issues bargaining team is at the table this week. The PA, TC, SV, and EB teams were at the table last week and were outraged to see that Treasury Board is proposing a 2-year wage freeze for federal workers. Watch for an update and contact your Regional Office, Local Executive, or Mobilization Coordinator to find out how you can take action to show the employer you want a fair contract with real improvements to wages and working conditions.
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency: The bargaining team is preparing the package of demands and getting ready to meet with CFIA. Watch for updates.
- Parks Canada: PSAC is taking action in response to Parks Canada Agency's failure to meet the implementation deadline for the latest collective agreement. Watch for bargaining updates in the new year.
- CBSA (FB): The first meeting with the employer is scheduled for the week of January 7, 2019. We'll keep you up to date as the process moves forward.
- North Peace Airport: Members working at YXJ have a new collective agreement.
- Kamloops Airport: The next round of bargaining is scheduled for February 2019. Contact your Local Executive for an update.
- Purolator: The employer failed to follow through on their commitment to file for conciliation, so the bargaining team has taken that into their own hands. To find out how you can help support the team during a tough round of negotiations, contact a member of your Local Executive or Vic Johal in the PSAC Vancouver Office.
- Swissport (YVR): The bargaining team is scheduled to meet with the employer on January 8 and 9. We'll keep you up to date as bargaining unfolds.
- NAV CANADA: A tentative agreement was reached with the assistance of a mediator and the ratification process is underway.
Union Education
Knowledge is power - take a course today!
Lower Mainland
Talking Union Basics | Vancouver | Feb 2 & 3
Health & Safety | Vancouver | Mar 9 & 10
Intro to Duty to Accommodate | Vancouver | May 4
Representing Members with Mental Health Issues | Vancouver | May 5
Grievance Handling | Vancouver | Jun 1 & 2
Fraser Valley
Intro to Duty to Accommodate | Abbotsford | Mar 9
Representing Members with Mental Health Issues | Abbotsford | Mar 10
Grievance Handling | Abbotsford | Apr 27 & 28
Southern Interior
Talking Union Basics | Vernon | Mar 16 & 17
ABC's of UMCs | Cranbrook | May 4
Representing Members with Mental Health Issues | Cranbrook | May 5
Northern BC
Grievance Handling | Prince George | May 4 & 5
Creating Respectful Workplaces | Prince Rupert | May 25 & 26
Vancouver Island
Talking Union Basics | Victoria | Feb 2 & 3
Health & Safety | Victoria | Mar 16 & 17
ABC's of UMCs | Victoria | Apr 27
Public Speaking | Victoria | Apr 28
Intro to Duty to Accommodate | Victoria | May 25
Visit the regional website for more information about these courses and to apply online.
Meetings and Events
- 'Tis the season! All PSAC members, friends, and family are invited to a Festive Meet & Greet in the Victoria Office, Thursday December 13. Join us for snacks, networking, and good times: details and RSVP here.
- In Vancouver, we're doing things a little differently this year - after the busy holiday season, Thursday January 10 2019: details and RSVP here. Hope to see you then!
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
More information about all these events at the calendar.
Mainland Human Rights Committee | Vancouver | December 10
Northwest Area Council | Prince Rupert | December 11
Frosted by Phoenix | Prince Rupert | December 14
East Fraser Valley Area Council AGM | Abbotsford | January 17
Okanagan Human Rights Committee AGM | Kelowna | January 19
What are all these committees? Visit the website for more information about PSAC BC's Area Councils, Human Rights, Regional Women's, and Young Worker's Committees and to find out how you can get involved.
Have a most excellent December! See you in 2019.
Patrick Bragg
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office
604 430 5631 | 1 800 663 1655