BC Federation of Labour calls on government to re-open Coast Guard Stations, amend Bill C-59

Irene Lanzinger, President of the BC Federation of Labour, recently wrote letters to Stephen Harper and Tony Clement on behalf of the Federation and the 500,000 union members in BC.

RE: Call to re-open Coast Guard Stations - We are calling on the government to immediately re-open the Coast Guard bases and the communication centres and invest in marine safety and environment protection. The public supports a quality, public coast guard system that can prevent and respond to marine hazards quickly.

RE: Budget Implementation Act: Bill C-59 - The Budget Implementation Act: Bill C-59 introduced by your government aims to circumvent the collective bargaining rights of the members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada and undermines their collective agreement provisions for sick leave and long-term disability that were bargained in good faith. I call on your government to respect the rights of union members and the sanctity of the legally binding contract you have with PSAC members by striking these unfair provisions from Bill C-59.

Read the full text of the letters, attached below.

