Call for interest: PSAC BC Young Worker Committee - BC Interior and North

  • Do you think young workers are underrepresented in the Public Service Alliance of Canada?
  • Do you want to do something about inequality? Are you concerned with the rising cost of housing?
  • Is Childcare an important issue for you? How about a $15.00 minimum wage?
  • Are you concerned with job security and precarious work?
  • Get involved with a Young Worker Committee and have your voice heard!

In the PSAC BC Region, union members who are 35 years of age and under actively come together to share experiences, discuss common struggles and issues they face in the community, at work and in the union with a focus to build and strengthen the relationship and involvement of young workers with the Public Service Alliance of Canada in BC and to build solidarity on our common issues as workers in all areas of employment.

Currently the PSAC has two Young Workers Committees in BC; the Vancouver Island YWC and the Mainland & Haida Gwaii YWC. As the current PSAC BC Young Worker Coordinator I have been seeking to establish another Young Worker Committee in BC, specifically the BC Interior and North. I believe that this would provide a more robust and representative voice for BC Young Workers as issues that affect those in Vancouver and Vancouver Island can differ greatly for those in our interior and rural communities.

To establish a Young Worker Committee, three components are needed to agree to the authorization of a young worker committee. This is done by receiving a letter from component National Presidents which in turn is provided to the PSAC BC Regional Executive Vice President. Once this step has been completed, with the assistance of the Young Worker Coordinator and PSAC BC Staff, a group of interested and involved young activists can begin the work to establish themselves as a recognized PSAC BC Young Worker Committee with voice and vote.

As this is written, one letter has been received from the Canada Employment Immigration Union National President authorizing the creation of a young worker committee for the BC Interior and North. Two further components are needed to agree to this in writing.

I hope this message reaches some young workers in the BC Interior, Southern Interior and North that are interested in creating a committee for your voice to be heard. We are stronger together than we are apart.

Please contact me if you wish to be a part of this exciting new committee and should you have any questions at all in the process or information provided above. I can provide assistance in the composition of a request to component leadership at this crucial step. I hope to hear from you all soon.

James Brierley
PSAC BC Young Worker Coordinator
