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Past Events

This meeting will be held by conference call. The NVI AC delegate to PSAC National Convention will be elected.

Call In Number  1.866.792.1317
Conference Code  8833615

For more information and to RSVP, contact Rick Levigne - rick.levigne@gmail.com

An Okanagan HRC meeting is scheduled to take place after the screening of Migrant Dreams. Agenda and more details to follow.

All are welcome to this event for a screening of “Migrant Dreams”, an award-winning film highlighting the struggles of migrant workers in Canada.

Migrant Dreams tells the story of a group of migrant farm workers who dare to resist the systemic oppression and exploitation from their brokers, employers and the Canadian government in small-town Ontario. The film was awarded the 2017 Canadian Hillman Prize for Journalism

Facilitator: James Little

Are you a First Nations, Inuit or Métis PSAC member who would like to learn more about your union?  

If yes, we invite you to apply for the PSAC BC Introduction to the Union for Indigenous Members (IUIM) course.

We are holding the IUIM course for First Nations, Inuit and Métis PSAC members in BC in Vancouver October 20 to 22, 2017. To be eligible for the course, members are asked to self-identify by completing the self-ID form here.
