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Past Events

The next meeting of the BRUSH will be held on Wednesday, August 2, 2017, at 5:30pm in the Vancouver Regional Office..   Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference. The conference call co-ordinates are as follows: toll-free dial-in number (Canada/US) 1 866 792 1317, conference ID:  8833615#


This is to serve notice that the next Vancouver Area Council meeting will be on Tuesday, August 1, 2017. The meeting will be held at the PSAC Vancouver Regional Office (Buzz #201-5238 Joyce Street). Dinner is at 5 pm and the meeting starts promptly at 5:30 pm.

Please RSVP to Todd Smith twmsmith@gmail.com by July 31st and indicate any dietary requirements as a light dinner will be served.

As we've done over the past few years, PSAC BC will be hosting info booths at community events across the province over the summer.  We'll be raising the profile of our union, talking to the public and other PSAC members about our work as federal public sector workers and various PSAC campaigns.

These events are always fun, and are a great way to meet your fellow union members and members of the public.

Forward any agenda items to Paul Jones pablojones@shaw.ca no later than July 12, 2017.

Current agenda items include:

  1. Welcome & Introductions

  2. Approval of Minutes

  3. Treasurer’s Report

  4. Donation Request

Proposed agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Meeting agenda
  3. Previous minutes
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Labour Day Picnic
  6.  PSAC National Triennial Convention 2018 – Resolutions
  7. Contracting Out at DND
  8.  Other business
  9.  Round Table

Please RSVP to mackenr@psac.com      
