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Past Events

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday Oct 22 at 10:30AM and will be held via conference call. Please RSVP to Kelly Megyesi for the conference call in numbers.


  • Minutes Reviewed
  • Migrant Worker Event report
  • Financial  report
  • December 10 Human Rights Day
  • 2017 meetings/ plan


Facilitator: Robert Strang

Come join us for the Vancouver Area Council BBQ from 5PM to 7PM, our meeting will start after that at 7PM at the PSAC office. Agenda to come.

All PSAC members & families invited!

Join us on October 19th and celebrate the one-year anniversary of the hard work done by PSAC activists to “Stop Harper” and take back our Canada!

Mark your calendars: this meeting will be in person - time, location and details closer to the date.
