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Past Events

The annual BC Federation of Labour National Day of Mourning remembrance ceremony will take place at the Golden Tree Monument in Abbotsford - Remembering all workers who have died or suffered illness or injury as a result of their work.

His meeting will be held via conference call. Dial 1 866 261 6767 and enter participant code 36784598#.  Please email Kelly at kelly.megyesi@gmail.com if you are planning
to join us.


Join us for discussion on women issues and planning for upcoming year! Please RSVP to Julie Bussiere at j.bussiere@hotmail.com by April 26th.


Call to order
Financial Report
New Business
Round Table


Take to the streets as part of this lively, vibrant and youth driven celebration of climate action - more info at http://earthdayparade.ca/

Event Planning - There will be snacks, coffee &/ tea


  • Fund raising plans and actions
  • REAPS Toy Drive
  • Phoenix House and Elizabeth Fry
  • Donations from others

RSVP by April 17, 2016 - we will have snacks, coffee & tea
