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Past Events

Join the $10 Day Childcare Campaign for a virtual event to celebrate International Women's Day and Child Care Advocacy.

The campaign be hosting a special event for International Women’s Day – a celebration of the child care advocacy successes we've achieved together, and the opportunities in front of us now both federally and provincially. We'll also acknowledge the challenges we face, including the pandemic - where women, especially racialized and low-income women, have been hardest hit in a range of ways.

online via Zoom - RSVP to MacKenR@psac-afpc.com for the coordinates.


Draft agenda

  • Greetings and roll call
  • Guest speaker - Karla Backer  
  • Acceptance of minutes from previous meeting (AGM Jan 28, 2021)
  • Executive reports
  • New Business
  • Upcoming Area Council events
  • Roundtable and Members concerns




 PSAC BC BRUSH Committee Annual General Meeting

Thursday February 25, 2021 6:00pm, via Teams - RSVP to Sharon Barbour BarbourS@psac-afpc.com for the coordinates


Save the date, the NorthWest Area Council AGM will take place February 23nd, starting at 6:30PM. Executive elections will be held. RSVP to JohalV@psac-afpc.com for the Zoom coordinates.


Race and the Union: Issues faced by Black Union activists
In celebration of Black History Month, PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee is inviting you to “Race and the Union: Issues faced by Black Union activists": a panel discussion to honour the contributions of Black labour activists and dive into their struggles as union activists.

Join our panelists:
