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Past Events

All PSAC members in BC are invited to a live and interactive telephone townhall meeting with Jamey Mills, Regional Executive VP, Chris Aylward, PSAC National President, and Sussanne Skidmore, Secretary/Treasurer of the BC Federation of Labour.

Join this live townhall meeting to talk about the upcoming federal election and the issues that impact PSAC members and their communities.

The telephone town hall will take place on Wednesday September 25 starting at 7PM PT.


 Light snacks will be served please RSVP and forward any agenda items to Kim Tenhunen wrayth@shaw.ca no later than Sept 23, 2019.

Current agenda items include:

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Approval of previous minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Update
  4. What events and/or human rights issues to focus on this year
  5. Other

We look forward to welcoming any and all PSAC members who have an interest in Human Rights!

Facilitator: Vic Johal

Facilitator: Robert Strang
