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Past Events

Save the date - the East Fraser Valley Area Council AGM will take place January 17 starting at 5:30PM. Elections will take place.

Proposed Agenda:

The Vancouver Area Council West Fraser Valley Area Council, Mainland Human Rights Committee, Vancouver Regional Women’s Committee, Mainland & Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee, BRUSH Committee and the Metro Area Regional Council Coordinators

Invite YOU to a (Post) Holiday Meet & Greet!

Thursday January 10 2019
4:30 to 7:30 PM (drop by anytime)

All PSAC members, family and friends are invited!


Feeling frosty and cold after hearing about Treasury Board’s proposed two-year wage freeze? Frigid and bitter waiting for almost three years to get paid correctly under Phoenix?

The 2018 BC Regional Health and Safety Conference takes place Saturday and Sunday, December 15-16 at the Radisson Hotel, 8181 Cambie Road, Richmond BC. The conference will create a forum for Health and Safety activists to reflect, discuss and take action on health and safety issues so we can improve the health of our members by raising awareness and preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Click for more details and to learn how to apply.

Please RSVP to MackenR@psac-afpc.com - see you there!
