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Past Events

PSAC has reached a tentative agreement with the First Nations Health Authority and a membership vote on the proposed tentative agreement has been scheduled. Per PSAC Regulation 15 the vote will take place after an info session, where members will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Members of UNE Local 29266 at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve have been working with PSAC BC regional staff and the PSAC BC North Island Area Council to organize a Phoenix Action at the Tofino-Ucluelet Highway Junction on Thursday, July 26.  Members working at Pacific Rim National Park have been suffering severe hardships due to the Phoenix debacle and are motivated to take escalated action to show the Employer enough is enough.

Save the date - agenda and more details to come.

PSAC has reached a tentative agreement with the First Nations Health Authority and a membership vote on the proposed tentative agreement has been scheduled. Per PSAC Regulation 15 the vote will take place after an info session, where members will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Participation is also available via teleconference, contact the Victoria Regional Office for the coordinates.


  • Report on Ginger Goodwin memorial
  • Report on Pride Nanaimo / Victoria
  • Cooperative event with South Island Area Council
  • Respect day - Nov 28th
  • Potential Phoenix Action
  • Review NVIAC area council bylaws
  • Treasurers report
  • Ladysmith Labour Day Picnic
  • Invitation to speak with council - Nanaimo provincial NDP candidate
