Northwest BC Phoenix Day of Action

February 28, 2019
(All day)
Northwest BC, Prince Rupert, BC (Map)

On February 28, the third anniversary of Phoenix, PSAC Northwest Area Council members will participate in the National Day of Action on Phoenix.

We are tired of being beat up and bullied by Phoenix. We demand concrete action to reduce Phoenix cases; a real timeline to end these pay nightmares; and damages to compensate the hundreds of thousands of public service workers who have been impacted. After three years, our members should not be plagued by pay problems; underpaid, overpaid or not paid at all.  We should not fear advancement or moving to that job we desire because we are afraid our pay may stop.

Let us build upon our union’s mobilization since last year. Our efforts have allowed us to win several Phoenix victories. Together, we forced the government to halt the recovery of overpayments and emergency pay until employees’ pay files have been cleared of all outstanding transactions; expand the Treasury Board’s claims process for Phoenix related financial losses; and end gross payback for overpayments.

PSAC members in Northwest BC are invited to take one of their Pink Shirt Day photos – either individually or as a group – and e-mail it to Jill MacNeil at along with a message to the government for posting on social media.

Support Pink Shirt Day and also let the government know federal government workers are tired of being beat up and bullied by Phoenix and that we demand respect at the bargaining table!
