Okanagan Human Rights Committee special general meeting (delegate election)

February 10, 2021
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
via Zoom - RSVP to StrangR@psac-afpc.com, Southern Interior, BC (Map)

As a constitutional structure of the PSAC in good standing, the Okanagan Human Rights Committee is entitled to a delegate seat at the upcoming PSAC BC Regional Convention.

The delegate will be (s)elected at this meeting and must self-ID as a member of one or more of PSAC's equity seeking groups (Indigenous Peoples, Racially Visible, LGTBQ2+ or Members with Disabilities) and must live and/or work in the BC Southern Interior area.

For more information and to RSVP for the Zoom coordinates, email Robert Strang - StrangR@psac-afpc.com
