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Pension Forum

December 7, 2011
5:15 pm to 7:30 pm
Trinity Memorial United Church, 33737 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford, BC (Map)
*** Please note this is the correct date. Our newsletter incorrectly indicated the Pension Forum was December 8th. The event actually takes place on the 7th ***
All members in the Fraser Valley East are invited to a Pension Forum
  • Do you understand your pension plan?
  • Any idea of how much you will have to live on when you retire?
  • How long till you retire?
  • Does any of this make sense? 
Light refreshments will be served
Facilitated by: Deb Seaboyer & Janelle Ho-Shing
Seating is limited, please RSVP to Janelle Ho-Shing at 1-800-663-1655 or via email HoShinJ@psac.com
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