Poverty Free BC Week Of Action

February 25, 2017 to March 4, 2017
(All day)
various locations, province-wide, BC (Map)

The BC Federation of Labour and a coalition of social justice and anti-poverty groups are teaming up for a Poverty Free BC Rally on March 4th 2017.

The rally will be preceded by a week of activities designed to show candidates in the provincial election that British Columbians want -and will be voting - for politicians that commit to a strong, comprehensive poverty reduction plan. For more information about the week of action, visit bcpovertyreduction.ca

Details for the rally on March 4th:

  • 12 noon to 2PM, March 4
  • Vancouver Public Library, 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver
  • More information and RSVP at Facebook.

Spread the word! Download a poster below.