PSAC Northwest Area Council meeting

November 4, 2019
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Crest Hotel, Rockwell Room, 222 West 1st Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC (Map)

Draft Agenda

  1. Acknowledge Territory, Welcome, Introductions
  2. Review minutes of September 9, 2019
  3. Treasurer Report
  4. Bylaw changes –
    • Current wording:  
      • Section IV: Meetings
        • Subsection 2 Quorum shall be the majority of the officers and 10% of the Locals, Branches, Directly Chartered Locals and Regional Committees.  
    • New wording:  
      • Section IV: Meetings
        • Subsection 2 Quorum shall be two officers and three Component, Branch, or Directly Chartered Local representatives.  
  5. Election of Delegate to PSAC BC Regional Convention
  6. Resolutions for PSAC BC Regional Convention
  7. Phoenix T-shirt’s
  8. Grievance Training, choose date
  9. Roundtable

For planning purposes, an RSVP is appreciated.  Please email:  
