Stewards Series Tier 2

November 5, 2016 to November 6, 2016
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
October 21, 2016

Facilitator: Deanna Kimball

Are you interested in helping out in the local and possibly being a Steward? Are you curious about what Stewards do other than filing grievances? Are you already a Steward and want some or some more training? Then these are the courses for you!  The Stewards Series provides training and information on all aspects of the work that Local Stewards do and contribute to helping a Local Executive and Local members. We are combining four modules from Tier 1 and four modules from Tier 2 into two 2-day courses, more information below and note this course takes place Saturday and Sunday 9AM to 4:30PM

Some Things a Steward Should Know About the Duty to Accommodate

Learning Objectives

  • To define the duty to accommodate and recognize when accommodation is needed
  • To develop an understanding of the responsibilities of the parties with regards to workplace accommodation.
  • To identify where a Steward can go for assistance and resources when dealing with workplace accommodation issues.
  • To be able to assist members, as a Steward, in dealing with accommodation issues

Employment Equity in the Workplace

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Be able to articulate what employment equity is and why it is important
  • Know the basic legal framework
  • Have a sense of the employer and union roles with respect to employment equity and where stewards fit into the picture
  • Be equipped to dispel commonly held myths about employment equity
  • Be ready to take action in the workplace to make employment equity a priority

Economics for stewards in the Workplace

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Have an enhanced understanding of economics
  • Know how the current economic and political agenda is impacting workplaces, families, and communities
  • Be able to view the current economic and political agenda with a critical lens
  • Be equipped to counter commonly held myths about our economy
  • Be able to approach workplace problems in a way that takes into account the broader economic and political context.

Stewards as Allies for Racial Justice

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Be able to talk about racism with increased ease and confidence
  • Have a deeper understanding of racism, how it operates, and its impact
  • Be able to recognize obvious and subtle expressions of racism
  • Be clear on the role of stewards as allies for racial justice
  • Be equipped with tools and strategies to address racism and promote racial justice
  • Know how to intervene when racism occurs

Saturday and Sunday 9AM to 4:30PM
