We Are All Affected Campaigner Training - Abbotsford

July 13, 2013
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Coast Hotel, 2020 Sumas Way, Abbosford, BC (Map)

  • Concerned about this government's cuts to Public Services?
  • Alarmed that this Conservative government wants to remove the Rand Formula Labour Legislation?
  • Committed to supporting your union and defending your collective agreement?
  • Willing to talk with members and build Solidarity?

This training session is designed for PSAC Activists, Stewards, and Leaders who want to get involved in PSAC's We Are All Affected member to member campaign.

Participants will learn about the campaign and the important role they play in it; gain an understanding of the threats posed by this government and the value of building the union’s visibility in the workplace, one conversation at a time; learn about the importance of preparation; practice conversational skills and discuss how they can support one another in the coming months.