On Labour Day and every day, get involved, get engaged and get active

Bob Jackson & Robyn Benson

Sisters and Brothers,

For many of us, Labour Day marks the end of the summer and time to think about returning to work from holidays, back to school supplies, and getting back to our busy lives.

But it is also a time to celebrate and commemorate the many gains and victories the labour movement and PSAC members have made over the years, not just for ourselves but for all workers and all Canadians.

Historic, game-changing, victories like the sick leave provisions in our collective agreements, pay equity, parental and family leave, and the recognition of and benefits for same sex couples.

Political victories, such as last year when PSAC members came together to mobilize against Conservative cuts to vital public services. We helped elect a government that promised us respect. (And make no mistake, we will hold the new government to that promise.)

And equally important, victories in the workplace. Every day across the country, PSAC members enforce our collective agreements, make sure our workplaces are healthy and safe, ensure workers are treated fairly, and support members on and off the job.

None of these things would be possible without members being involved and active.

By becoming a Steward or member of the Local Executive. By joining a PSAC Area Council or a regional committee. By supporting our bargaining teams or another union at a rally. By signing on to one of PSAC’s campaigns. By working on a project organized by a District Labour Council, the BC Federation of Labour, or a community organization. These are just some of the ways to get involved.

I thank all of you who do this work.

Labour Day presents an excellent opportunity to learn more. PSAC Area Council members will join many other unions at Labour Day events across the province, and I encourage you to stop by, say hello, and find out more about the issues that interest you – problems with the Phoenix pay system, bargaining, workplace health and safety, PSAC’s childcare campaign, the $15/day minimum wage campaign, or the upcoming provincial election, just to name a few.

This Labour Day, make a commitment to get involved, get engaged and get active in our union and our movement. Together we make our workplaces, our communities, and our province better!

In Solidarity,


Bob Jackson
Regional Executive VP, Public Service Alliance of Canada, BC Region
