National Public Service Week - A message from Bob Jackson

PSAC National President Robyn Benson has sent a letter to the National Board of Directors regarding National Public Service Week activities in June.

In her letter, she refers to the current climate of protracted collective bargaining and uncertainty in labour relations and questions the relevance of employer-sponsored activities like NPSW. Our Treasury Board bargaining teams have been at the table for close to two years, recently joined by the CFIA and Parks bargaining teams. Members working at CRA have been without a contract for over 40 months, despite the best efforts to the CRA team.

As we have done in the past, I respectfully ask that PSAC members in BC not participate in employer sponsored activities in the workplace and that you encourage other members to do the same.

Instead, consider organizing your own "Alternative National Public Service Week" events or participate in events that are currently being scheduled, like the PSAC softball tournaments in Victoria and Vancouver or any other events that may be organized. For more information and assistance, please contact my office.

We need to show the employer that we stand united with our bargaining teams!

In Solidarity, Bob Jackson REVP BC
