Support workers at IMP Group in Comox!

Members of the Union of National Defence Employees (UNDE) Local 21018, a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), who are employed by IMP Group International Inc. as Search and Rescure Aircraft Technicians at CFB Comox have been without a contract since July 2015.

After after extensive negotiations, both sides agreed to binding arbitration. The main issues are fixing the wage gap, improving sick leave, maintaining the current 40 hour work schedule and fairly assigning the work. The arbitration has been set for February 27 and 28, 2018.

Essential Search and Rescue operations require essential workplace improvements!

Please take a minute to call IMP Aerospace at 902-873-2250 or email and tell the employer to come to the arbitration with proposals that will address the real problems in its workplace, including the wage gap.

Fifty PSAC/UNDE members work at IMP Group in Comox, ensuring that search and rescue aircraft are well maintained and safe to be used in rescue missions. Without their work, the safety of the aircrafts and its missions would be in jeopardy. 
