West Fraser Valley Area Council meeting

October 19, 2020
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Via Zoom, , BC (Map)

The next meeting of the West Fraser Valley Area Council is scheduled for Monday, October 19 at 6 PM via Zoom.


1. Call To Order

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Guest Speaker: Jamey Mills, PSAC BC REVP – Updates on Bargaining and Phoenix. He will also be available for member questions.

4. Adoption of Previous minutes from August 6, 2020

5. Financial Report

6. Political Action

7. Education / Events

  • Drive by event at Pacific and Peach Arch Border Crossings to support our CBSA members took place on September 2, 2020. Amend motion for the coffee/donuts for $139.28.
  • Orange Shirt Day on September 30, 2020

8. New Business

  • PSAC BC Convention May 7-9, 2021
  • December 6, 2020 Vigil under Social Events for the National Day of Remembrance to End Violence Against Women
  • Group email was successfully set up for WFVAC executive

9. Roundtable

10. Next meeting date – proposal is Monday, February 8, 2021 @ 6:00pm

Please RSVP to Susie Blyth to confirm your attendance and to receive the Zoom coordinates.