PSAC BC's submission to the BC government on the Electoral Reform Referendum Process

The BC government has introduced legislation to hold a referendum in the fall of 2018, which will ask British Columbians to decide whether BC should keep its current voting system (First Past the Post) or move to a system of Proportional Representation. As part of this process, the government is consulting with British Columbians.

In the lead up to the referendum, PSAC BC has made a submission to the goverment containing three key recommendations on the electoral reform process.

  1. Ballot Question: The referendum ballot should include a specific question requesting a public mandate to adopt proportional voting that is linked to a transparent public process to choose a specific proportional system.
  2. Timing of Referendum: The referendum campaign should not overlap with the fall municipal election campaigns.
  3. Campaign Finance and Third‐Party Advertising Regulations: The referendum should be subject to regulations that limit the influence of big money.

For more information and the rationale behind these recommendations, download PSAC BC's submission below.

PSAC believes that a new voting system with proportional representation would mean fairer elections. Canada’s labour movement has long supported reforming our country’s electoral system into one that is more democratic – where everyone’s vote is equal and effective. Adopting a system of proportional representation is the way to achieve the fairness all voters deserve.

We encourage members to find out more about the upcoming referendum and provide their feedback to the government by taking the questionnairre at


