Reports: 2016 BC Federation of Labour Convention

PSAC BC sent a large delegation to the 2016 BC Federation of Labour Convention, held in Vancouver at the end of November. Delegates debated resolutions, networked and forged strong ties with the broader labour movement, helped kick off "Together for BC", the BC Fed's provincial election campaign, and saw Irene Lanzinger and Aaron Ekman re-elected as President and Secretary-Treasurer. Members who requested a Regional Council subsidy to aid in attending the Convention all committed to submitting a report. Here are some excerpts - download their full reports at the bottom of the page.

"It was good to see motions from PSAC reach the floor, specifically the CPP/OAS issues. I do not work in that department, but know from my union brothers and sisters about the issues they face on a regular basis. It was good to know they had support from the floor and the resolutions were passed." Roger Leroux, CEIU 20937

"From OSH activities to networking to keeping informed about the latest developments and ideas, this Convention does have something for everyone. I recommend that union activists take the opportunity to attend at least once for a different “flavour” of convention. I intend to take back the knowledge I gained from the OSH activities to my Local’s Health and Safety Committee." Sanjiv Dyal, CEIU 20903

I was very interested in hearing from delegates on issues such as the pipelines and the dichotomy of arguments between those who are "pro job" and those who are "pro environment". I felt this was especially important given the pending provincial election and the fact that jobs vs. economy as an issue is often pitted against the environment. I was pleased with the campaign that was launched for the election. It was great to see and be part of it. It was clear that we would be supporting progressive candidates." Vanessa Miller, BC Regional Council

"It was a privilege to attend this convention as an active member of the Community and Social Action Committee as well as the standing resolutions committee. As presented on convention floor, it was obvious that the CSAC had an ambitious agenda. Consultation amongst stakeholders within labour and community groups was ongoing throughout the cycle, and I look forward to seeing our goals regarding Poverty Reduction Week and the re-establishment of Workers Actions Centres come to fruition. This has been a fantastic group of activists to work with and get to know better." Jamey Mills, BC Regional Council

"It was interesting to hear all of the unions talking of succession planning. We all have the same concerns: ensuring that we have the trained and dedicated members to assume the leadership of our locals in the future. To insure that workers' rights are respected, that benefits fought for in prior negations are maintained and that we must not allow an unfriendly provincial government to continue in office beyond this term." Don Turner, CIU 20045

"I will take what I gain from the BC federation the power of working as a group. My local and other union activities will gain from my knowledge of those working to their strengths. When we worked together and use our individual strengths we become more powerful." Ian Gillies, Treasurer, CEIU 20975

"Overall, the 2016 BC Federation of Labour left an indelible mark on me that I will use in my activism going forward.  It was a great convention and a fantastic experience to be a part of. I can only hope to again be in attendance in the future." James Brierley, VP, CEIU 20947

"I think that attendance at the convention was educational in the respect of my reporting back my experiences and other relevant information and how it was beneficial to our local and encouraging individuals to get more involved in the process." Kal Thendal, CEIU 20918
