Veterans traveling to Ottawa to oppose cuts to frontline services - tune into a live webcast to hear what they have to say

Canada’s veterans will be in Ottawa Thursday, October 3rd to talk about why the federal government must not close Veterans Affairs offices they rely on.

The office in Prince George has already been shut down and the government says that by February, offices in Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Brandon, Saskatoon and Kelowna will be closing their doors to veterans too.

These are the offices that both traditional and younger veterans – including those with serious physical and mental disabilities – depend on for face-to-face frontline services. If the Sydney, Cape Breton office closes, for example, approximately 4,200 veterans and their family members will be forced to drive seven and a half hours to Halifax for frontline services. Many say they can’t because of their age or ailments.

PSAC’s members include the workers at Veterans Affairs who provide these frontline services. These workers – who are speaking at this event too – are worried about what will happen to their clients.

Tune in to hear why veterans and PSAC members say the government should reverse its decision to shut down these offices and to find out how you can help. You can start by sharing the YouTube video being launched at the event.

Help veterans stop the closures!
