Standing Together, Standing Strong: Report of the 6th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention

The report of the 6th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention, including resolutions, financial statements, election results, and more is now available, download it below as .pdf.

Here's the table of contents ...

DAY 1: Friday, April 25, 2014

  • Opening Ceremonies
  • Call to Order
  • Moment of Silence
  • PSAC Policies and Administration
  • Introductions
  • Address by Robyn Benson
  • Adoption of Convention Rules of Order
  • Ratification of Appointments to Convention Committees
  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Referral of Business to Convention Committees
  • REVP Report
  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Convention Committee Reports -Finance Committee
    • Financial Statements 2011-13
    • Priority Proposal 2015-17
    • FIN 1 -District Labour Council Affiliation Fees
    • FIN 2- District Labour Council Affiliation Fees (to be funded by PSAC B.C. Region)
    • FIN 3 -Annual Area Council Funding
  • Guest Speaker: Jim Sinclair, BC Federation of Labour
  • Convention Committee Reports - By-Laws Committee
    • BLW 11 -Definition of a Young Worker
    • BLW 1 - Housekeeping-Standard Language
    • BLW 2 - Coordinators
    • BLW 3 - Membership Rights
    • BLW 4 - BC Regional Council Members' Roles and Responsibilities
    • BLW 5- BC Regional Triennial Convention
    • BLW 6 - Representation and Voting at the BC Regional Triennial Convention
    • BLW 7 - Election of Regional Executive Vice President and Alternate REVP
    • BLW 8- Youth
    • BLW 9 - Definitions
    • BLW 10 - National Board of Directors (NBoD)
    • BLW 12 - Regional Convention-Delegate Entitlement

DAY 2: Saturday, April 26, 2014

  • Constituency Elections
  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Video Presentation
  • Referral of Emergency Resolutions (2)
  • Convention Committee Reports - By-Laws Committee
    • BLW 12- Regional Convention-Delegate Entitlement (cont'd)
  • Convention Committee Reports - General Committee
    • GEN 31A- Policy Paper on Water
    • GEN 4 - Regional Convention Subsidy
    • GEN 5 - National Triennial Convention-Delegate Entitlement
    • GEN 13- Young Worker Delegates to the National PSAC Triennial Convention
    • GEN 6 - Participation of Members with Disabilities
    • GEN 30- Mental Health
    • GEN 15- End the Ban on Blood and Organ Donation
    • GEN 16 -Anti-bullying Legislation for Schools across Canada
    • GEN 17- Transgender Health and Inclusion, Medical Procedures
    • GEN 18- Transgender Health and Inclusion, Government Documentation
    • GEN 19 - Transgender Health and Inclusion, Gender Neutral Washrooms
  • Constituency Elections
  • Award of Merit- Patt Holmes
  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Convention Committee Reports - By-Laws Committee
    • BLW 13 - National Officers Coordinators
    • BLW 12- Regional Convention-Delegate Entitlement (cont'd)
  • Convention Committee Reports - General Committee
    • GEN 9 - Loss of Salary Reimbursement
    • GEN 8 - Union Representatives Protection
    • GEN 11 - Regulation 15-Voting
    • GEN 29 - Union Cards
  • Panel: Legislative Attacks on Workers & their Effect on PSAC Members
  • Election of B.C. Regional Council Women's Coordinator

DAY 3: Sunday, April 27, 2014

  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Chair of the Nominations Committee
  • Elections of the BC Regional Executive Vice-President and Alternate and BC Regional Council Health & Safety Coordinator and Alternate
  • Convention Committee Reports - General Committee
    • GEN 8- Union Representatives Protection (cont'd)
    • GEN 2 - Rescinding of Dues Associated with Campaigns and Conferences
    • GEN 27- Defined Benefit Program
    • GEN 33- Species at Risk (Emergency Resolution)
  • B.C. Regional Council Geographic Coordinator and Alternate Elections
  • Report of the Credentials Committee
  • Convention Committee Reports - General Committee
    • GEN 1 - Local Accessibility Fund
    • GEN 3 - AEC Remuneration
    • GEN 7 -Weekend Union Functions
    • GEN 10 - Electronic Communications
    • GEN 12 - Collective Bargaining-Membership Mandate
    • GEN 14- Union Development Program and Young Workers
    • GEN 20- Union Dues
    • GEN 24 - Member Resources for Grievances and Questions
    • GEN 25 - Members on Extended Leave
    • GEN 26 - Bargaining and Collective Agreements
    • GEN 32 - Regulation 15
    • GEN 34- Temporary Foreign Workers (Late Resolution)
  • Introduction and Swearing in of New B.C. Regional Council
  • Closing Ceremonies
  • Adjournment


  • A - Speech to the PSAC B.C. Regional Convention by Robyn Benson, National President
  • B - Report of the REVP to the 6th PSAC BC Regional Convention
  • C - BC Regional Council Financial Statements, 2011 to 2012 and priority proposal 2012-2014 as passed by the 2011 Convention
  • D - BC Regional Council Priority Proposal 2015‐2017
  • E - Policy Paper on Water