7th Annual Women's Housing March

September 28, 2013
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Starts at Cordova and Columbia, just west of Main St., Vancouver, BC (Map)
  • * Homes for Low-Income People, not Profit for Real Estate!
  • * Homes not Jails!
  • * Homes not Pipelines!
  • * Rent Control and Community Control not Social Control!
  • * Housing, Childcare, and Healthcare for All!

On Saturday September 28th at 1:30 pm, join the Downtown Eastside Women Centre Power of Women Group in the 7th Annual March for Women’s Housing and March Against Poverty.

This year we continue to march for housing, childcare, and healthcare for all low-income residents in the DTES. We want no more evictions, no more displacement, and no more gentrification in our neighourhood. We know that the growing number of cops and condos in the DTES is part of a larger pattern to destroy and privatize neighourboods, communities, and the land. Meanwhile, women in the DTES continue to face the brunt of poverty, displacement, violence and apprehension.

More information on Facebook or email project@dewc.ca.

PSAC members who are interested in participating should email Cheryl Oenema, Vancouver RWC, so that we can all go as a group.
