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Past Events

Join us for discussion on women’s issues and on our resolutions for the upcoming PSAC Regional Women’s Conference.R.S.V.P by January 16, 2017 by email to Julie Bussière  j.bussiere@hotmail.com


  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Previous Report
  4. President’s Report
  5. Financial Report
  6. 2017 Budget
  7. Donations
  8. IWD
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment





  • Upcoming education and events
  • Reports
  • Election of Executive
  • WFVAC bylaws

Please RSVP to Jennifer Chieh Ho at Jennifer.ChiehHo@une-sen.org so we can plan for food.


  • Standing Agenda items as well as
  • Finances
  • Resolutions for PSAC BC Regional Convention
  • May Day Parade
  • Elections for Vice President and Treasurer

Please RSVP no later than Friday January 6, 2017 to Marcelo Lazaro  presidentunde1016@gmail.com  as well as Rosemary MacKenzie  mackenr@psac.com  

Agenda & details will be availble closer to the date.

The next caucus meeting takes place December 14th in the Vancouver Office. Agenda to come.

Please RSVP to Jennifer Chieh Ho at chiehhj@psac-afpc.com with suggested agenda items and any dietary requirements. Participation via phone call is available.
