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Past Events

Save the date! Time, location and agenda to come. For more information about the PSAC Okanagan Human Rights Committee contact Maria Luiza Romano or Kelly Megyesi, co-Chairs

The PSAC North Island Area Council will hold its AGM on Saturday January 21 @ 10:30 am at the ABC Country Restaurant, 6671 Mary Ellen Drive, Nanaimo BC.

Agenda and details to come. For more information and to RSVP contact Rick Levigne - rick.levigne@gmail.com

A solidarity march in support of tolerance and basic human rights. We will start at Jack Poole plaza at 10, march to Trump towers after speakers and greetings, and then end back at Jack Poole plaza.

Forward any agenda items to Paul Jones pablojones@shaw.ca no later than January 12, 2017.

Current agenda items include:

The Vancouver Regional Women's Committee invites you to our 2017 kick-off meeting. We would love to see you! A light meal will be served prior to the meeting, which begins at 6PM.

To RSVP, submit agenda items, or for any questions please contact Kelly Megyesi (Chair) at kelly.megyesi@gmail.com or 250.308.8118
