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Past Events

All members of the racially visible caucus are invited! Lunch will be provided and an agenda will follow soon.

Please RSVP via email and advise of any dietary restrictions to Jennifer Chieh Ho at chiehhj@psac-afpc.com. If you would like to submit agenda items or to participate via conference call, please let Jennifer know as well.


Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Convention Procedures

By the end of the course, participants will understand the purpose of conventions, become familiar with convention procedures such as voting, elections, reports, etc., and become more skilled at using Rules Of Order. We will examine the roles of convention committees, committee chairpersons, convention chairpersons, and gain some understanding of the dynamics of conventions.

Join us for our first meeting of 2017! Come see what the PSAC Young Workers Committees have planned, and add your thoughts, feedback etc. Lets make 2017 the best year yet for our young workers!

Agenda Items:

  • 2017 planning
  • Presidents report
  • Budget
  • Elections
  • And more…

R.S.V.P by February 23 2017 by email to Vanessa Miller at  millerv@psac.com 

We look forward to welcoming any and all PSAC members who have an interest in Human Rights!

Forward any agenda items to Paul Jones pablojones@shaw.ca no later than February 16, 2017.


Current agenda items include:



  • Standing Agenda items as well as
  • Previous minutes for approval,
  • finance,
  • resolutions,
  • may day parade,
  • bargaining

Please RSVP no later than Monday February 20, 2017 to Marcelo Lazaro presidentunde1016@gmail.com as well as Rosemary MacKenzie mackenr@psac.com
