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Past Events

The next meeting of the BRUSH will be held on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, at 5:30pm in the Vancouver Regional Office.   Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference - contact James Little for the call coordinates.

The BRUSH Delegate to the 2017 BC Regional Convention will be selected at this meeting.


Agenda: Elections will be held for all positions and by-law changes will be proposed. Further information on potential by-law changes will follow in early February.

For more information and to RSVP contact Jennifer Chieh Ho.


5:30pm    Welcome & Opening Remarks

5:35pm    Welcome of Monica Urrutia – BC PSAC

5:40pm    Request for new business items

5:45pm    President’s Report    

  • 2016 – what was done
  • 2017 – what is planned
  • BC Regional Convention

6:00pm    Vice-President’s Report    

  • Winter School CLC funding – Kim Koch

6:15pm    Treasurer’s Report

  • 2016 Financial Report
  • 2017 budget

6:30pm    Election of NEAC Executive

The BC Federation of Labour and a coalition of social justice and anti-poverty groups are teaming up for a Poverty Free BC Rally on March 4th 2017.
