Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee AGM

January 19, 2017
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Victoria Regional Office, 210-1497 Admirals Road, Victoria, BC (Map)

Forward any agenda items to Paul Jones no later than January 12, 2017.

Current agenda items include:

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Election of the following Executive positions:
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
    • Member & Media Relations Officer
    • Technical Communications Officer
  4. PSACBC Regional Convention Resolutions
  5. Setting of General Meeting dates for 2017

We look forward to welcoming any and all PSAC members who have an interest in Human Rights! Please ensure you self-identify at in order to exercise your voting rights.

Please RSVP to Rosemary MacKenzie or Paul Jones no later than Tuesday January 17, 2017. The committee recognizes that not every member wishing to participate is able to attend the meeting in person and as such we will provide teleconference coordinates for those who wish to participate from outside the meeting venue. Should you require any accommodation please advise at the time you RSVP.


