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Past Events

** The BBQ has been postponed to a later date - check back soon for more information **

The PSAC Vancouver Area Council is hosting our annual summer BBQ at Trout Lake - look for us near the south parking lot.

Agenda & details will be availble closer to the date.

Regional Women’s Coordinator, Virginia Vaillancourt will be attending to assist the committee in strengthening the committee structure and securing succession planning and committee objectives.  Please see below for the full agenda.  There are currently vacancies in the committee executive which we hope to hold elections for in the near future.  Members who are interested would benefit from attending the meeting as we aim to cover roles/responsibilities/objectives to assist in moving forward.

March with Pride in Victoria: all members welcome! On July 10, PSAC will join the Victoria Labour Council and local unions in the Victoria Pride parade. We will muster between 11 and 11:45 near Victoria City Hall and the parade starts at noon. Look for the PSAC flags! More info at the VLC website.

Following the Area Council Meeting there will be Women’s Committee meeting.

Please RSVP & send any agenda items to Susan Yaciw, Okanagan Area Council President  
