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Past Events

Light supper @ 5PM, meeting begins at 5:30PM.

Please RSVP your attendance to: Vancouverrwc@psacbc.com and include if you have any dietary requirements or food allergies. If you are able to attend via phone, please provide your phone number. We can only accommodate 4 people on the phone, so if there are more we will have to arrange a conference call.

 The PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee invites you to join us for our open house and National Aboriginal Day celebration! Let’s celebrate with friends, food and guest speakers. We will feast on barbecued salmon and bannock, while learning about human rights and the original people of this continent. Our feature speaker at the event will be Tamara Starblanket.

Save the date! The PSAC Victoria Area Council is once-again sponsoring the PSAC Slow Pitch Tourney, which will take place Friday June 17th at Topaz Park, Victoria.

Please contact Dave Jackson at JacksoD@psac.com or Rosemary MacKenzie at MackenR@psac.com if your Local is interested in fielding a team or if you would like to be part of a team.

This meeting will take place via conference call. Please email kelly.megyesi@gmail.com to RSVP and for the conference call codes.

As per the PSAC Constitution, Regulation 15, members are required to attend an information meeting (approximately 10-15 minutes) before they can vote.

Meetings will be held at 12:15; 12:45; 3:00; 4:45 and 5:15 p.m.

Madonna Gardiner, CRA Bargaining Team member will be in attendence.

Visit the national website for more information and to download the settlement.
