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Past Events


  1. Call to order
  2. Meeting agenda
  3. Previous minutes
  4. Treasurer’s report/2016 budget
  5. Social activities (May Day parade, softball tourney, camping trip/picnic)
  6. Area Council summit report
  7. Meeting with all committee executives

PLEASE RSVP TO: Rosemary by e-mail mackenr@psac.com No later than noon on Monday February 22, 2016 as food will be ordered

Facilitator: Deanna Kimball

Let's Fight for $15 NOW!

On April 1, BC will have the lowest minimum wage in Canada, with the highest cost of living. Join the North America-wide campaign fighting for a decent wage for working people.

Please attend this planning and information session about winning a $15 minimum wage in BC. We can win!

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Facilitator: Deanna Kimball
