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Past Events

Elections for President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer will take place.

Please RSVP to Parveen at parveendeepak@hotmail.com


Join us for our first meeting of 2016! Come see what the PSAC Young Workers Committees have planned, and add your thoughts, feedback etc. Lets make 2016 the best year yet for our young workers!

R.S.V.P by February 1 2016 by email to either Liz = Oliphant.liz@gmail.com or Vanessa = millerv@psac.com

Agenda Items:

  • 2016 planning
  • Presidents report
  • Budget
  • Elections
  • And more…

Dinner at 5 pm, meeting to start at 5:30 - Please RSVP by January 29, 2016, if you are able to attend. Please indicate any special needs (e.g. dietary requirements, etc.)

Tentative agenda

  1. Approval of previous AGM Minutes (Oct 23, 2014 attached)
  2. President's Report
  3. Treasurer's Report -Financial Statement 2015 -Budget 2016
  4. Affiliate Reports
  5. Area Council Elections
  6. Brief Discussion on Annual Plan
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Round

Dinner will be served at 5:30. The positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected in addition to a review of the 2015 finances and a proposal for the 2016 finances and actions.

Facilitator: Karoline Klug
