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Past Events

the meeting will take place immediately following the Okanagan Area Council meeting - at approximately 11AM


  • Review of Previous Minutes
  • Financial Report & Budget
  • Elections: New Executive
  • International Women’s Day
  • Next Meeting

We will be providing a light snack of muffins and bagels, tea and coffee - please forward any agenda items by January 13, 2016

Who Should Apply?

Are you an educator at heart? Have you always wanted to facilitate workshops or lunch-and-learns for your local? Or maybe you’d like to gain the skills to host a discussion after your Annual General Meeting (AGM)? Do you think education is key to getting members involved in our union?

Join us for our January Meeting with discussions on bylaws, Subcommittee findings, the future of the committee and more!

Please RSVP to Joshua Miller at joshuamiller19@hotmail.com

At our last MHRC meeting on December 8 we discussed how we as a committee could contribute towards the Syrian refugee resettlement in Canada. Many members in attendance went away with a task to complete, the results of which will be shared with the rest of the committee on January 6th. Some of these tasks include
