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Past Events

9:30 Womens Committee Meeting
10:30 Area Council Meeting
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Building Communities - seminar with Deboral Libbman of the Metro Vancouver Alliance.

for more information and to RSVP, contact Maria-Luiza Romano.

Facilitator: Janelle Ho Shing

Calling all PSAC women: Join us to move women’s issues forward!

Agenda to include:

  • Elections
  • Budget proposals
  • Planning for the 2016 year
  • Election issues

We are looking for strong women, who are ready to take a roll in shaping the PSAC’s women movement going forward. In short, we are looking for YOU! We hope to see you there. R.S.V.P by November 16 2015 via email to either

Dinner at 5 pm, meeting starting at 5:30 pm
Tentative agenda items so far

  • Approve previous minutes
  • Feedback request on PSAC Election Campaign
  • Preparation for AGM in 2016

Please RSVP if you are able to attend, indicating any dietary requirements, by Friday, November 13th.



