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Past Events

** via the BC Federation of Labour **

After many years in the making, we are thrilled to announce that the Golden Tree Monument is ready to be unveiled in its permanent home in Abbotsford. The date has been set for Saturday, October 3, 2015, starting at 11:00 am. It will be held in the Friendship Garden, behind the Clearbrook Library in Abbotsford.


  • Previous Minutes
  • Financial Update
  • Federal Election 2015
  • Other Items

Please RSVP to Vanessa Miller by e-mail millerv@psac.com

Facilitator: Deanna Kimball

Facilitator: Monica Urrutia


  • Previous Minutes
  • AGM
  • Labour Day debrief
  • Financial update
  • Event Suggestions

PLEASE RSVP TO: Rosemary by e-mail mackenr@psac.com - No later than noon on Wednesday September 30, 2015 as food will be ordered
