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Past Events

On Tuesday, September 29th at 7:00 PM PDT, the PSAC BC Region will host a special telephone town hall focused on the federal election.

Bob Jackson, PSAC Regional Executive VP for BC, will be joined by our National President Robyn Benson and Irene Lanzinger, President of the BC Federation of Labour, to discuss the election issues that matter to PSAC members and to all Canadians.

We also want to hear from you!

Do you want to make a difference in the upcoming Federal Election? Join with PSAC members to work on our member-to-member canvass during the federal election period. We'll be speaking to fellow union members in person, talking to them about the importance of voting for candidates who support public services and workers rights.

For more information and to RSVP, contact Patrick Bragg in the Vancouver RO.

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Hope folks had a good summer (especially at our summer events!) and can come to our next meeting.
Tentative Agenda:
1. Approval of previous meeting minutes (June 3, 2015) - changes to be brought up at the meeting
2. Unfinished/Old Business

  • reflection on summer events
  • swag
  • YW logo contest
  • education

3. New business
