Mainland Young Workers Caucus meeting

September 24, 2015
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street & via conference call, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Hope folks had a good summer (especially at our summer events!) and can come to our next meeting.
Tentative Agenda:
1. Approval of previous meeting minutes (June 3, 2015) - changes to be brought up at the meeting
2. Unfinished/Old Business

  • reflection on summer events
  • swag
  • YW logo contest
  • education

3. New business

  • YW Coordination Group update
  • upcoming Federal Elections
  • begin prep for January 2016 AGM?

4. Adjournment
For those outside of Metro Vancouver but still part of the B.C. Mainland wanting to participate via teleconference call, please include this request in your RSVP. Call-in coordinates will be provided as necessary.
Please RSVP by September 22, 2015 to with any dietary restrictions as a light dinner will be provided for those attending in person.
