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Past Events

Celebrate Labour Day in your community - here's a list of events and locations from the BC Fed.

PSAC Area Council members are hosting booths at Labour Day events in Vancouver, Victoria and Abbotsford. We'll be celebrading labour day and talking to the public and fellow union members about the importance of federal public services. Drop by and say hello!

Members of PSAC's Victoria Area Council will be hosting a booth at the Saanich Fair, talking to the public and fellow union members about our work and federal public services.

Drop by and say hello if you're at the Fair! We'll be there Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

PSAC is hosting a BBQ in Kamloops for members and their families.

All PSAC members in the Kamloops area and their families are invited!

Join us for a BBQ and family fun events in Riverside Park. We'll be gathering to network with fellow PSAC members, talk about the upcoming federal election and our “I’m voting” campaign, and have some fun! We have also invited local candidates in the upcoming federal election
to join us for a question and answer session.

Pride Celebrations August 28 through 31 - more info at https://www.facebook.com/kootenaypride

The PSAC East Fraser Valley Area Council is meeting to firm up plans for Labour Day and political action and to BBQ! Please text Melvin Dureen @ (604)793-3715 to RSVP and for the location.
