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Past Events

Whitecaps FC would like to offer all affiliated BC Federation of Labour union members specially-priced tickets to come cheer the team on. For tickets, visit this link and enter promo code:UNION.

The BC Federation of Labour and PSAC BC are organizing a pre-game social event for union members - 5PM outside gate E.

We have scheduled an important Vancouver Area Council meeting for Wednesday, August 19, 2015, dinner at 5 pm, meeting starting at 5:30 pm, to be held at the Vancouver Regional Office, 2nd floor boardroom.

Do you want to make a difference in the upcoming Federal Election? You're invited to join with other PSAC members who want to work on our political action campaign at this special West Fraser Valley Area Council meeting.

This is your opportunity to find out what PSAC members in the Surrey/Delta/Langley area are doing around the election and to get involved! We'll be providing some background on our election plan and a canvassing orientation for members who want to help with our member-to-member campaign.

Pride Week is August 8 through 15 - more info at http://okanaganpride.com/

Haida Gwaii Pride Parade is July 30th
