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Past Events

The next WFV meeting takes place Thursday August 6 via Zoom. RSVP to Robert Strang StrangR@psac-afpc.com for the coordinates.


1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Review of Minutes, April 20, 2020
4. Financial Report
5. Political Action
6. Education
7. Events
8. New Business
9. Next meeting




Via Teleconference/Skype Please R.S.V.P mackenr@psac.com for the Coordinates.


  • Indigenous recognition
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Executive reports
  • Treasury Board Bargaining Update
  • Discussion and Review of
  • Area Council Summit
  • Upcoming Events

The Vancouver Regional Women’s Committee is hosting a Six O’Clock Solidarity Saturday event on July 18th to celebrate our PSAC B.C. members who self-identify as women.

The event will be a “Ladies Night” that will have an overarching message of “Girl Power” and will feature videos and music made for women, by women.

The next meeting of the Mainland Human Rights Committee is scheduled for July 14 at 1730.  We are encouraging Human Rights activists  to stay connected and involved. 

The meeting will take place via conference call, watch for an agenda and more details to come.

Save the date! The next East Fraser Valley AC meeting takes place July 7, 2020 at 1700 via conference call.

Please RSVP to Patty Ducharme at DucharP@psac-afpc.com for call in information.


  1. Adoption of Agenda
  2. Minutes of the May 28, 2020 meeting.
  3. Financial Update
  4. Report on activities of the Executive
  5. Upcoming events:
    • Regional Summit;
    • Ladies Night Solidarity Saturday
    • Others?
  6. Covid Check-in
  7. Next Meeting.
