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Past Events

The next BRUSH Committee meeting takes place June 3 via conference call

  • Dial-in; 778-401-6178 or 844-259-7596
  • Conference ID: 897378771


1.    Roll call

2.    Territorial Acknowledgement

3.    Moment of Silence for Workers Killed and Injured on the Job

4.    Accepting the Agenda

5.    Review Previous Minutes (December 5, 2019)

6.    Treasurer’s Report

7.    Business Arising

8.    New Busines: BC Fed Activities

9.    Round Table

10.Next Meeting

Watch for agenda and more details coming closer to the date.


1)     Review of Minutes from last meeting

2)     PSAC Update

3)     Treasurer Report

4)     Scholarships

5)     Donation to food bank or other local charity

6)     Labour Day Event

  • Call to Order
  • Acknowledgement of Indigenous Traditional Territories
  • Review of May 5 Committee Meeting Minutes(if draft available)
  • Old Business
    • Update from Todd on Guatemala trip with PSAC Social Justice Fund (if available)
    • Update whether new executive has been added as signatories to the credit union account. Has the approved budget been deposited?
    • Financial Updates

The meeting will take place via teleconference call only. Please RSVP and call-in coordinates will be provided to you at that time.

Tentative Agenda (please send in your additions):

The East Fraser Valley Area Council will next meet on May 28, 2020 at 1800. We are encouraging activists in the Eastern Fraser Valley to stay connected with their union and to continue to be involved.

The meeting will take place via conference call, please RSVP to DucharP@psac-afpc.com for the coordinates

Meeting agenda
