Mainland Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee meeting

June 2, 2020
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
via conference call, Vancouver, BC (Map)
  • Call to Order
  • Acknowledgement of Indigenous Traditional Territories
  • Review of May 5 Committee Meeting Minutes(if draft available)
  • Old Business
    • Update from Todd on Guatemala trip with PSAC Social Justice Fund (if available)
    • Update whether new executive has been added as signatories to the credit union account. Has the approved budget been deposited?
    • Financial Updates
    • Call for new MHGYWC delegate to Vancouver Area Council
    • Update on charity donations (ratify and complete, if not already done so)
    • Update on United Way volunteer opportunities. What opportunities are members interested in and feel safe getting involved with?
    • Social Media Platforms Discussion
  • New Business
    • Suggestions for online social events or any other engaging activities that are safe and adhere to the advisories/directives of the provincial and federal government
    • Confirm whether committee would like to continue with current schedule for subsequent meetings: September 22, November 17
  • Roundtable
  • Adjournment

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Join by phone: (844) 259-7596, conference ID 75332191#
