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Past Events

The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) is causing stress and anxiety for many of us. As a result of this virus, our habits and ways of doing things have changed drastically and suddenly. COVID-19 has also plunged us into a period of uncertainty. In this context, it is normal to try to understand what is happening to us and to want to find ways to manage the situation.PSAC in the NCR, Quebec and the Atlantic are teaming up to offer a webinar presentation on this topic and members in BC are invited to join in.


  • Introductions
  • Previous minutes
  • Financials
  • Covid-19
  • Events
  • Planning
  • Convention(s)
  • Solidarity Saturday
  • Round


This meeting will be held via conference call. RSVP to: Rosemary MacKenzie mackenr@psac.com to obtain the call in coordinates

The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) is causing stress and anxiety for many of us. As a result of this virus, our habits and ways of doing things have changed drastically and suddenly. COVID-19 has also plunged us into a period of uncertainty. In this context, it is normal to try to understand what is happening to us and to want to find ways to manage the situation.PSAC in the NCR, Quebec and the Atlantic are teaming up to offer a webinar presentation on this topic and members in BC are invited to join in.

The Mainland Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee has confirmed that the next meeting is May 5th at 6 pm via teleconference. Call in details and agenda below .

MHGYW General Meeting Agenda (May 5th, 2020)

Meeting start time: 6:00PM                          

This meeting will be held via conference call. Watch for agenda and call in details coming closer to the date.
