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Past Events

The meeting originally scheduled for March 24 has been postponed. Watch for a new date coming soon.

PSAC is holding a series of telephone town halls for members in the PA, TC, SV and EB bargaining units. Each call is 30 minutes long and will focus on bargaining and upcoming strike votes. Chris Aylward, PSAC national president, will make a presentation and there will be time for questions and answer from members on the line.

The call for British Columbia is scheduled for March 10 at 6PM PT.

Facilitator: Robert Strang (note this course takes place Saturday 9:00AM to 4:30PM and Sunday 9:00AM to1:00PM)

All PSAC members in the Victoria area are invited to an informal after work get together with PSAC's national president Chris Aylward to hear an update on bargaining, the ongoing and upcoming strike votes, as well as discuss Phoenix and any other union issues that are important to you.


1,472 days of Phoenix | 2 years without a collective agreement

The government rolled out phase two of the Phoenix pay system on February 24, 2016. 120,000 federal government workers saw their first payday under the new system on March 9, 2016. Four years later, the pay disaster continues.

Over 100,000 PSAC members in the CFIA, Parks, PA, TC, SV, EB, and FB bargaining units have been without a collective agreement since 2018. The agreement for 27,000 members at the Canada Revenue Agency expired in 2016.
