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Past Events

The North Vancouver Island Area Council AGM is scheduled for Saturday, February 29 at 10 AM.


  • Introductions
  • Previous Minutes
  • Proposed Budget
  • 2020 planning and strategy session
  • Executive Reports
  • Elections of executive
  • Other business

If you cannot attend in person, you can still take part via teleconference - contact the Victoria Regional Office for more information.

This meeting will be held via Teleconference

Meeting agenda


  • Welcome
  • Review of previous minutes
  • Treasurers Report
  • Convention
  • 2020 Planning
    • meeting dates
    • projects
    • Kairos
  • Round table

Members are welcome to attend in person or via teleconference. Dinner will be provided for those who attend in person.

Please RSVP to Maria-Luiza Romano to request the address for the meeting or to request the conference call coordinates for the meeting.

*** NOTE new date ***

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2020, at the Vancouver Regional Office, 2nd-floor boardroom (Buzz 201) 5238 Joyce St. Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the meeting starts promptly at 6 pm.

Please let Monica Urrutia (UrrutiM@psac-afpc.com) know if you plan to attend by February 24, 2020, with any dietary requirements or if you wish to join by telephone.

Facilitator: Varinder Johal
